Thursday, March 25, 2010

New study on HFCS from Princeton.

I wrote the following as a "soundoff" post on Thought I'd share it with you.

Obesity as an epidemic can be traced to the introduction of HFCS into the American diet. Since it's introduction it's use in processed/packaged foods has increased 1000+%. Our bodies just aren't wired to derive so many calories from sweetened foods. Want better health? Stop consuming so many"ose" calories". Want to solve the health scare crisis? Stop consuming so many "ose" calories". Excess carbohydrates are stored as fat. Eating sweetened foods creates ongoing sweet cravings. Eating excess "ose's upsets insulin/leptin/adrenaline balance and creates an irresistible subconscious drive (aka sweet tooth) for ever sweeter foods. If your paying attention what I've just described is an addictive compulsive pattern. We're hooked on the glass pipe of HFCS and the Corn producers assoc. know it. And you must know they will use every ounce of their considerable power to maintain the control of our palates and our wallets.
We do not need government to legislate new laws we - as consumers- simply need to vote with our dollars. We live in a market driven economy. The power is your hands and mine. Stop buying products with HFCS (or added sugars for that matter) and other corn based sweeteners (maltodextrin) and they'll stop selling them.
The time to take control of your health and your well being is right now. Become a label detective and stop eating and stop purchasing foods with HFCS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is illuminating! And scary. Thanks so much for posting

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