Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Silverman 70.3 in the bag

Sunday November 8th 2009 went down in the record book as one of the warmest calmest bestest days ever in southern Nevada.  The morning was cool and calm the afternoon warm with a slight breeze the evening brisk and still.  It was a day when 900 athletes put their fortitude and athleticism on display on the Silverman Triathlon course.  I was there in the 70.3 wave of 500 age group athletes that surged off the Hemenway Harbor boat ramp at 830am.  It was a great day and a great race.
I must be honest and report that my season ends with a big fat "Needs Improvement".  Which is to say I am not happy with my 6:44 5th of 13 finish.  I offer no excuses, I just didn't have what I needed to achieve my goal of 6:05.  I had a great swim in perfect water.  I exited the water in 37min feeling strong.  (I love swimming in open water)  My bike was a solid 3:26 on an incredibly challenging course.  I can't begin to explain how poorly I felt on the run.  Just blah - in pain - no oomph.  I actually considered quitting (something I never do).  I stuck it out and let my positive inner voice soothe my sniveling ego.  By mile 6 I started to feel better and actually negative split the 2nd half.  Still, I could not manage a 2 hr half marathon to save my race.
Maybe starting  new job or my son being hospitalized all in the month prior to the race played a role.  I don't know - I don't really care - I expect better of myself.  Thing is...I know I can do better.
I have some work to do.  I'm looking forward to next year :-)

1 comment:

PrimalPablo said...

The cool thing about Silverman...there's always next year!

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